Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

how to recondition old batteries by bret parker

How To Recondition Old Batteries by Bret Parker

in DIY (submitted 2009-10-29)

Most people will throw out old batteries not knowing they can be restored to their original glory?

Batteries are not cheap! Before throwing out any battery you should test them to see if they can be restored.

A lot of people think Battery Reconditioning is hard however I think I know it's incredibly simple.

I have done it hundreds of time before, in fact it's what I do for a living. Anybody can recondition batteries, you just need to know the techniques.

Whether you have a dead laptop battery, car battery or just about any other commonly used battery I can show you how to easily bring it back to life.

That's what I want to show you. I want to show you step-by-step how to recondition your dead battery.

Don't go out and purchase a new battery until you read my instructions

Bret's Highly Recommended Battery Repair Product. Step By Step Manual - Reconditioning Your Old Batteries. I Have Used This Method To Achieve Maximum Performance And Obtain a Longer Battery Life. Battery Reconditioning

How Much Money Can You Save?"

As you probably already know, BATTERIES ARE NOT CHEAP. Which is probably the reason why you are reading this page.

By reconditioning old batteries you can save hundreds. If you need the batteries for a solar energy system where you will need a large battery bank you can literally save thousands.

Not only can you save money but you can also MAKE a lot of money. Many people don't know how to recondition batteries and will pay you to do it!

Or, you can recondition old batteries and sell them for a profit. I will talk more about this further down on this page.

"This Step-By-Step Guide Is Now Available" Before you start reconditioning batteries it's important that you have the right tools.

More importantly, you need to make sure you have the correct step-by-step instructions.

I say this because when I first started searching online for a detailed guide I found out that many of them were incomplete and some of the diagrams were actually wrong!

It's very important that you follow clear, correct instructions and that's exactly what this guide has

It works!

It's very simple to follow

Save money

Do your part for the environment!

This is a fun DIY project To Make money

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Online Computer Science Degrees: What Everyone Needs to Know

Do you really love computers? Do you wish to know how computers function, how they really work? If you possessed a computer science degree, you would have knowledge encompassing all about computers and more. How could you possibly be able to receive a computer science degree while you barely are hanging on financially with your present job and impending financial obligations? The answer is rather easy. You are able to receive an online computer science degree by learning, studying and working in just your spare time. In just a little time, you may be able to give your notice at that dead end job you now hold and you ought to be able to acquire your dream job of working with computers.

At the time you locate a good school, and know that there are many available, you simply need to sign up for classes and get to studying. If you happen to be worried about finances, you will be pleased to learn that many online computer science degrees can be reached by obtaining financial aid with the school, a bank or even a student loan company, such as Sallie Mae. To locate a good school, a mere internet search will come up with a long list and you can begin to start comparing the schools you locate. With a little time and research, you will find a school program that suits you and your lifestyle and you can proceed to work on your online computer science degree.

It ought to be voiced that merely as and just because you are taking classes and embarking towards an online computer science degree does not mean you are able to slack off. No one will be there to verify and ensure that you are paying attention, studying or even doing your homework. You must therefore be very self-disciplined. Set your goals, recall them often and work toward them. Study at the times it states and complete your work and turn it is as directed and at the time when you finally earn and receive your online computer science degree, you will certainly be able to say you that it has been earned, just as if you were to have attended an actual college.

There exist a lot of advantages with obtaining an online computer science degree. First off, you are able to work towards your degree at the same time as holding a full time job. This will allow you to support yourself and/or family while you attempt at bettering yourself. Secondly, it will allow you to study at any location you have a computer, laptop and an internet connection. This means you are also able to travel and earn your degree simultaneously, assuming that you are also still working hard at studying and learning the materials as needed. Finally, laboring towards your online computer science degree will provide you with a immense sense of accomplishment and enhanced self worth. You should be able to apply for different and better paying positions with a confidence in the knowledge that you have improved your life by way of your own hard work, studies and dedication. Obtaining an online computer science degree is quite an accomplishment that you will be proud of.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009 pets is ca mycat is very cute

Online Biology Degrees: Educate Yourself

One of the many branches of study within the field of Science is Biology.

The free web dictionary defines Biology as: “The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions. It is also the life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms: the biology of viruses. And it is also the plant and animal life of a specific area or region.”

The majority of students discover this field to be a very interesting field of study. The area is one overflowing with learning possibilities and can also be very exciting as it involves the vibrant world of plants and animals. These can be very interesting to observe and learn. How much more can a student observe it not merely by books but also by online biology videos? You can educate yourself in this field by online Biology degrees.

Children of varying age brackets can learn information online from the website of The National Biological Information Infrastructure. It is one of many sites on the World Wide Web that is able to serve with a wealth of information for the learning of Biology. This site is able to be a great guide for teachers who are introducing and teaching: Aquatic Biology, General biology, Biodiversity and Environment, Botany, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Arachnids and Annelids, Microbes, or even Reptiles and Amphibians among many others. For students using this site, there exist age and level brackets from which they could choose pick. You can also search to educate yourself on further your interest to obtain an online biology degree.

These online videos for Biology can really be an effective media tool for learning and education. Different from others such as a conventional book, videos are able to encourage the children to understand more of the lessons. They no longer will have a difficult time imagining how particular animals or plants appear as they will see it in action. Although, there often are pictures in books, videos are in action and it will appear more “real” to the eyes of the students-viewers. You never know if you are aspiring one to become the next Jane Goodall. They may use these as a catalyst to reach great heights and even receive an online biology degree to save the planet Earth one day.

This type of video information has the ability to make Education easier and learning more fun while students are learning and absorbing new facts presented to them. As any teacher or parent is well aware, kids have a stage in their life where they appear to pay less attention to studies. As they would much rather play or meet up with their peers. To utilize videos for this type of student is a great way of capturing and keeping attention focused on the subject matter.

One of the best things about Education by way of videos for Biology is that it is able to set a good model for children. Children constantly imitate. When videos represent the conservation of Earth, in the manner of planting of trees, recycling or other helpful activities, it will teach children to do the same and act in the same manner. Learning will never be boring. Attempt to use and view these videos at this time for yourself and you will see the big difference. You may even be aspired yourself to progress and reach for an online biology degree.

Biology is a fundamental subject to learn- so learn and teach it in the best way possible that will keep the attention and interest of the student. Online education for biology is at its most accurate and most up to date which is advantageous of our time. Learn to take advantage of online biology degrees, courses and classes!

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Chemistry sets from brands like Thames Kosmos, Scientific Explorer and Powertech provide children with hours of educational entertainment. The great

rder for a “Cleaning Company” to do its job, chemical products must always be involved.

However, no matter how many or how few chemicals you use, it is important that you have the MSDS for each cleaning product. One should note that an MSDS is not only important to have on hand for safety reasons but it is also a WHMIS “Workplace Hazardous Material Information System” requirement. These sheets must be available to employees; in fact, an employee can refuse to work with a product if not shown the product’s MSDS.

If you are not sure where to get an MSDS it can be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier of that specific product. If your supplies come from a janitorial supplies distributor they will either have the MSDS or be able to get if from a janitorial suppliers distributor, or the main manufacturer. If you buy supplies from a big box store or over the Internet, the supplier might not have the MSDS for the product. In this case, you will have to get it from the manufacturer or you may be able to search for it on the Internet.

Employers should carefully read over the product’s MSDS before using it and share the information with employees. Invest some time into learning product properties, as it can protect your employees, and keep your cleaning company out of trouble in case of a spill or accident.

These are the main details you should look out for and pay close attention to while reading an MSDS:

3 Grades of Chemicals for Thames Kosmos Chemistry Sets

Chemistry sets from brands like Thames Kosmos, Scientific Explorer and Powertech provide children with hours of educational entertainment. The great thing about these sets is they provide all the chemicals and materials required to conduct the experiments. But what do you do when the chemicals have all been used?

Walmart seems to have just about everything but have you ever found the chemicals aisle? Not only are chemicals hard to find but who even knows what to buy? This article explains the difference between 3 grades of chemicals so you can know the right chemicals for your next school experiment, homework assignment or science fair project.

Chemistry sets can awaken an interest in chemistry and the physical world, setting children on a path to a future career. Even the most basic chemistry sets are filled with experiments that will peak and keep the interest of children who already have a basic scientific interest or knowledge, or those who are absolute beginners. Chemistry experiments are designed to teach things like air pressure and water tension, and how everyday things function. Some of the experiments work with benign objects, while others require chemicals.

Not all the experiments found in chemistry sets like the Thames Kosmos series require the use of chemicals. For those that do, it’s good to know what you’re working with, and what your choices are when you need to purchase chemicals.

Most chemicals are graded, the grade representing the purity of the chemical. A chemical with a higher grade has fewer impurities, or other chemicals, such as metals and water, than those with a lower grade. The cost of chemicals is in keeping with its grade: a higher grade is more expensive than lower grades.

Although there are several different protocols for grading chemicals, there are three basic grades that are the most common and most likely to be used. They are, from highest to lowest, reagent grade, laboratory grade, and technical grade.

Reagent grade, also known as ACS, is the highest chemical grade there is, meaning it is the most pure. It meets or exceeds American Chemical Society standards. Chemicals graded as reagent grade can be used in all situations, from scientific to manufacturing. It is the only chemical grade that can be used in biological experiments.

Laboratory grade chemicals, which may also be referred to as lab, are less pure than reagent grade chemicals, but are still of a fairly high purity. These chemicals would not be pure enough to use in medical or food products, but they are usually more than adequate for science fair projects.

Technical grade chemicals are also called industrial grade, and are the least pure chemicals. Chemicals of this grade are typically used in industrial or commercial applications, but may be adequate for some science fair projects. These chemicals are not acceptable for use in food or medicinal purposes.

If your experiment has stringent requirements for chemical purity, your best bet would be purchasing from a chemical supply house where you can be assured of the grade of chemical you are purchasing. If you are unsure of what grade is needed for a particular experiment, laboratory grade is a safe choice.

So now that you have a handle on that, where do you go to find the chemicals you need? You don’t have to buy chemistry sets to get more chemicals. You can actually purchase just the chemicals at various stores (hardware store, drug store, even the grocery store) rather than a chemical supply house. However, before you get excited about that, there is a problem. When you buy from these types of stores, the chemicals are unlikely to be graded and may contain an unacceptable level of impurities for the experiment being performed.

Now you can buy the right chemical with confidence that it will get the job done. Having the proper chemicals allows you to successfully conduct experiments. It also allows you to replenish the supply of chemicals in your old Thames Kosmos chemistry sets so you can blow the dust off of the set and put it back to good use.

Homeschooling Facts - Research against Homeschooling

A lot of research has been done to proof that homeschooled children’s academic achievements are better than that of learners in public schools.

There is, on the other hand, very little research available to proof arguments against homeschooling.

Certain questions that were raised by experts in the education field can, however, not be ignored.

Regulation of homeschooling seems to lack dismally in most states of the USA. The parent has the freedom to teach any curriculum and some even work without a specific curriculum.

Marty Hittelman, the president of the California Federation for teachers, has a problem with the stringent standards, evaluation and training teachers are subjected to, in public schools, compared to homeschooling parents that are not expected to undergo training or any form of standardized evaluation.

According to the California Federation for Teachers, there are also no standards or specific exit exams imposed on homeschooling students, in the California region. This seems to be the rule rather than the exceptions in most of the states. Even though these arguments proof some problems regarding the control of homeschooling by the state, it is necessary to mention that regardless of this, most children being homeschooled still have much higher grades than most of their peers in public schools.

Further than these specific negatives been pointed out regarding the regulations by the state, the rest of the opposing arguments against homeschooling are just arguments and there is no research available to proof the validity of these arguments.

Many of these arguments point to possible problems, that any parent considering homeschooling should definitely be aware of.

Most of the arguments against homeschooling rather has to do with the ability of the family to provide the correct homeschooling opposed to definite research that homeschooling is wrong for everybody.

There is no argument against the fact that there are many challenges for homeschooling parents and children. Before homeschooling can be successful and be of more benefit to the child than public schooling, the parents will have to realize and overcome these challenges.

Thinking About Homeschooling Your Children? It’s an Awesome Experience that Delivers

Many parents are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the current public education system. The coursework has systematically declined in content and class sizes, typically consisting of 30 or more students, creates a situation where a lack of discipline among students sets the stage for bullying and even more dangerous events. The overcrowding of classrooms makes it difficult, if not impossible, for teachers to exercise adequate supervision.

All of these factors contribute to greater numbers of parents seeking an alternative education venue. How about homeschooling? Educating your children at home is one of your best alternatives. You need not have a teaching credential to home school. Every state has accredited homeschooling programs, with a curriculum defining the subjects you must cover and periodic testing that demonstrates a certain level of achievement equal to public school programs.

Here we take a look about homeschooling programs and how your child can receive a superior education to that offered in the public schools. We hear so much about that ‘quality time’ spent with your kids. Well, homeschooling offers a way to spend hours with your kids every day, in one of the most valuable experiences parents and children can share. Imparting knowledge in this one-on-one environment is one of the richest, most productive and satisfying you’ll ever enjoy.

The only caveat about homeschooling is that you must enroll your child in an accredited homeschooling program. This is not a difficult or highly bureaucratic process, not much more than is required to register your child in public school. A call to your local school district gets you on the rosters in short order.

One of the best features about homeschooling is that you can organize the school lessons pretty much the way you like. A mix of structured and unstructured lesson plans usually works well for almost any schedule. For example, scheduling for sick days: if your child wakes up with a sore throat, has a case of poison oak or a sprained ankle, this doesn’t mean a missed day of school. This may be a good day to read story books, or watch a special on Animal Planet. Learning can take place cozied under a blanket on the sofa, with a cup of soup or cocoa. You’ll also find that your child will have fewer sick days, not being exposed to kids with a cold or fever in the public classroom.

Another wonderful thing about homeschooling is the latitude you have with respect to what you can add to the education of your child. While fulfilling the requirements of the state mandated curriculum, your one-on-one environment allows for comprehensive, in-depth examinations of subject matter. Let’s say your child’s coursework requires that you cover state geography. In public school, a certain amount of time is allotted to this lesson, but when you’re talking about homeschooling, you have the time to pull out the atlas and explain topographical maps. Kids learn faster and more easily when they can take their time and ask as many questions as they like. If your child is fascinated with the subject matter, why not spend the entire school day on that subject? Tomorrow’s another day.

On the other hand, there are bound to be some subjects which your child doesn’t enjoy. In public school classrooms, there’s no latitude in choosing time slots for subjects. How about homeschooling? You can break up the lesson into manageable chunks, diminishing the boredom and frustration. The material will still be covered, in a manner that promotes learning and gets the tasks completed and understood.

This approach also helps a child’s self esteem. There’s no peer pressure by other students which may cause your child to feel ’stupid’, or falling asleep in class, resulting in a poor grade and a lasting dislike for that subject. When it comes to educating children, one size does not fit all. So this is yet another of the advantages about homeschooling: your lessons can be customized to the specific needs of your child.

Television can be a terrific resource for the home schooled child. Animal planet, the Discovery channel and the History channel offer lessons your child might never get in public school. You’ll find abundant TV resources for the language arts, including grammar, composition, and even foreign language lessons.

In addition to television lessons, you’ve got the net. Let’s say your child does not enjoy math. There are hundreds of kid’s learning sites which have interactive math games which are fun for kids and produce results. These sites are run by education professionals, who provide practice tests. These help point out the concepts your child finds difficult, so you know where your future lesson emphasis should be.

Teachers in public school seldom have the time to identify an individual student’s weaknesses. So there you have another plus about homeschooling in contrast to public school. Other net resources include free online and downloadable dictionaries, thesauri i, grammar and spelling game sites and e-books to enrich your child’s learning experience and knowledge base.

Online Degrees: Accounting and More

Stockbrokers and hedge fund managers may get all the glory, but it is accountants that keep them honest. The need to keep those Wall Street boys has never been greater, which is why when if comes to online degrees, accounting is an excellent choice. And thanks to Internet technology, it’s never been more convenient to earn an online bachelors accounting is a prime field these days, and an online college for accounting is a great place to get started in this growing field.

At online colleges accounting is just part of what you can learn; the field of tax preparation is also involved, and given the byzantine nature of the nation’s tax codes, there’ll be no shortage of job openings. You’ll find there are many online colleges for accounting, most of which offer masters degrees as well as an online bachelors. Accounting and finance are among the most popular of online degrees.

Accounting is also handy for managing your own personal finances, particularly if you are self-employed and/or have many investments. With an online bachelors, accounting will be less mysterious and arcane.

You’ll be glad to know that online colleges’ accounting programs are fully accredited as well. This means that (A) these online colleges’ accounting degrees are recognized by the industry and (B) carry the same weight as one from a brick and mortar institution. In addition, online colleges’ accounting degree programs can be completed at your own pace, fit around your existing schedule - and for less than you would pay for the same program at a “real” university. These are three excellent reasons to choose an online college for accounting if this is your new career path.

Of course, you may already be working in this field, in which case you won’t need an online bachelors. Accounting however is a profession whose members are expected to complete a certain number of continuing education credits each year, so such Internet-based coursework can be very convenient.

Of all online degrees, accounting is among the most useful. Anytime is a good time to start on online degrees; accounting is a growing field - so what are you waiting for?

Requirements for RN to BSN

Nurses are highly trained professionals—thank goodness. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a needle, you probably share my sense of gratitude. But even registered nurses can go above and beyond to obtain additional education. One such form of training is the BSN.

What is the RN to BSN degree?

BSN stands for Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Like any bachelor’s degree, the BSN is a four-year-equivalent degree in a specified course of study. Since one can obtain the RN (registered nurse) license without earning a bachelor’s degree, the RN to BSN nursing program is a way of giving RNs the opportunity to obtain a bachelor-level training and degree—the BSN.

Many times, a nurse may choose to earn the RN licenses without the bachelor’s degree because it is less expensive, quicker, and often more convenient. However, nurses with a BSN can earn higher salaries, are more likely to receive promotions, and are eligible for advanced nursing degrees. Increasingly, hospitals are requiring that nurses have their BSN in addition to the RN license. Choosing to pursue one’s BSN is an excellent career choice.

What are the requirements for the RN to BSN nursing program?

Schools vary in their entrance requirements, but there are several items that are necessary as you consider earning your BSN.

• Proof of your active RN license. As the name suggests RN to BSN programs are only open to current RNs. The school will require proof that you hold a license, and that it is active. • GPA requirements. Because the standards are high for nursing professionals, one must have had a certain GPA in high school and/or post-high school education. Usually, the GPA requirement is set at a minimum of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).

• Prior nursing education. In order to qualify for the RN to BSN program, you must have completed the required training for becoming an RN. Usually, this will mean you hold an associate’s degree in nursing or equivalent training. Usually, schools will require the transcripts to verify your prior education.

How can one obtain the RN to BSN degree?

Most state colleges and many private schools provide education for the RN to BSN degree. Depending on the school, the RN to BSN degree takes from one to two years to earn. There is a growing trend for schools to offer the BSN program online. Earning the BSN degree online allows students to work on their own schedule, and implement the online degree training with practicum experience in their existing place of work.

Online College For All Stages

In the 1960 film High Times, late entertainer Bing Crosby portrayed the role of 51-year-old Harvey Howard, who decides to enroll in college for the first time in order to earn his bachelors degree. That would have been unusual for someone at that age and at that time, but today, people are attending college into their 70s and 80s.

Of course, one thing we have today that the fictional Harvey Howard did not is the miracle of Internet technology - and online college makes it easier than ever.

On Your Own, At Your Pace

One of the problems Bing Crosby’s character faced was the fact that he was old enough to be his classmates’ father - and while he was a sober and mature middle-aged man, his fellow students loved to “party down.” In earning an online college degree, this is one problem that you won’t have to deal with. This is also an aspect of online college that can be challenging; it is a solitary pursuit, and it takes real self-motivation to succeed. But if you are even considering going through an online college program, chances are you are pretty motivated already.

The other aspect of an online college degree is that it can be completed on your own time and at your own pace. You are not bound by the traditional semester or quarter system; typically, you have up to twelve months to complete an online college course.

A Thrifty Way To Go

An online college degree doesn’t require that you pay many of the fees that are traditionally associated with college. Obviously, your commute is only a few feet, from your bedroom to your PC terminal; in addition, you won’t be assessed for things such as lab fees and ASB fees.

In addition, online college is eligible for the same loans and grants as a traditional degree program.

Fully Accredited

The face is that online college degree programs are offered by virtually all major colleges and universities today. These institutions are fully accredited, which means that your online college degree carries the same weight as any other.


Of course, you don’t have to complete a full online college program; you may simply wish to take an online college course or two in order to brush up on an old skill or develop some new ones.

Get Started Now

There are thousands of online college options available; your biggest challenge may be narrowing your focus and deciding which one is best for you and your goals. There’s no time like the present however to get started in finding the right online college.

Study Spanish and visit central America

Studying Spanish in Central America can be a great idea an investment, specially if you decide to come to Panama city; The most advance country in Central America but still keeps its best secrets which are beautiful people, our incredible Panama Canal, and the modern city that attracts hundreds of people from all over the world during this time of the year.

Studying Spanish in EPA! Español en Panama is a great experience, since the day you arrive to Panama we will arrange your transportation, help you with your accommodation needs either in a local homestay with all facilities or a hotel, Hostel, or apartment. Your first of class you will discover that our Center is located in the middle of all the modern and most prestigious area from the city of Panama and all the different attractions are walking distance or a short taxi ride.

During your visit to Panama we can arrange for you to study at one of our semi intensive groups 3 hours per day or if you which you can decide to study private lessons from 3 to 6 hours daily or combine group lessons with private lessons early morning or afternoon.

If you come for one week or more, we can help you arrange different trips to beautiful places that are just 1 hour driving or flying from the city. You can visit for a day the beautiful island of the flowers by taking a short ferry from the causeway and arrive at a city that does not have cars and is very charming and worth visit during your stay in Panama. If you are looking for more clear beaches we recommend to go overnight to Contadora island and discover one of the most amazing island that exist in the pacific ocean and enjoy different beaches that the island has to offer. To get there is a short flight of 30 minutes.

If you are looking to get to know more about our indigenous cultures, there is a day trip that we recommend for you to do the “Embera Indians” is just a short drive to the skirt of the Chagres river and you can find a day full of exciting with this amazing community that will show you their costumes, dances, food and their way of living, there are not words to describe this incredible experience!

Spending Christmas in Panama city is an splendid opportunity to see a city full of Christmas spirit, tradition and very busy time of the year. Panama is one of the places in the world where shopping can be very inexpensive and you find almost anything you will find any part of the world. Also, December is the beginning of our dry season; the best time to visit our incredible country.

Come to EPA! Español en Panama and get to know Panamenian student that are in the same building studying English in our sister company ELS Language Centers and our Center will provide you with top quality education and more important we will be there for you to make your trip to learning Spanish in Central America one of your best experiences of your life.

Homeschooling versus Public Schooling

When you look at academic achievements only, homeschooled children seem to advance quicker than their counterparts in public schools. A report published by the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) shows that homeschool test scores were exceptionally high and well above that of public and private schools. They found that homeschool students in the 8th grade are four years ahead of their peers in public or private schools.

5 Tips for you to buy baby toys

There is no wonder that every parent is striving to provide the best things to their kids. We provide the baby with best living style, best playmates, best clothings, how about the best baby toys?

Researches have found out that babies will learn a lot during their play time with baby toys. Toys are no longer just a way to entertain the baby, it is a way to educate your baby about our world. However, the question is here: how we are going to choose the suitable baby toys for our babies?

Continue reading 5 Tips for you to buy baby toys

The 4 Techniques That Will Perfect Your Reading Skills

Think about it! When you are reading a book, a summary, a paper, or an article in English, most certainly you don’t read every word and understand it in your main language, right?

This is because reading in English is no different from reading in your mother tongue. You know it is not necessary to read and understand all the words to grasp the meaning of what you are reading. The skills you require to read English are exactly the same as the ones you need to read in your native language.

There are four main techniques that will enhance your reading skills no matter the language. Use them and practice them extensively and before you know it, you will be reading in English, or any other language, like a native. Here they are:

1. Skimming You use skimming to quickly grasp the main idea of the text. What you do is basically run your eyes down the text gathering the important information. This is a great practice when you need to rapidly understand what’s going on at a business meeting, since skimming does not require that you understand every single word that is written. Normally, skimming is a practice that is widely used while reading the newspaper, to get the news fast; magazines, to identify articles that may interest you; or brochures, to grasp the main information quickly.

2. Scanning You scan a text to find a specific piece of information. The same as when skimming, you must run your eyes down the text to find what specifically interests you. People normally scan schedules and meeting plans, among others, to identify specific information they need. Scanning is also common when watching TV, and train or plane schedules, as well as convention handbooks. While scanning, forget about words or phrases that you don’t get; these don’t matter right away.

3. Broad reading This aspect of reading is practiced for pleasure and general understanding of the text. You immerse yourself in the extensive reading of long texts as a leisure activity or for professional reasons. Broad reading increases your knowledge on a subject. Business people and students apply this practice when reading books related to their field, interesting novels, or specialized magazines.

4. Thorough reading This is the concentrated aspect of reading, the one that allows you to understand something in detail. Thorough reading is used in short texts to comprehend very specific information. It requires lots of attention to be able to understand it completely. To grasp every detail, you must understand every single word, phrase, and number, like when reading reports, insurance claims or contracts.

As in any other skill, fast and effective reading is developed with practice. The more you read, the faster and more perceptive you get; words start to become familiar, phrases start to make sense, and you start to feel you are finally mastering the English language, with the help of your ESL program and your determination to make it to the top!

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Profil Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Spears menyanyikan "Circus" saat tur dunianya: "The Circus Starring: Britney Spears" di tahun 2009
Spears menyanyikan "Circus" saat tur dunianya: "The Circus Starring: Britney Spears" di tahun 2009
Latar belakang
Nama lahir Britney Jean Spears
Lahir 2 Desember 1981 (umur 27)
McComb, Mississippi, United States
Asal Kentwood, Louisiana, United States
Genre Pop
Pekerjaan Penyanyi, penari, penulis lagu, aktris, penulis, pianis, director
Instrumen vokal, piano
Tahun aktif 1993-Sekarang
Perusahaan rekaman Sony (1997–1998)
Jive / Zomba
The New Mickey Mouse Club

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Natural Dandruff Remedy

Natural Dandruff Remedy

If you are looking for a dandruff remedy, you are not alone. Dandruff is a common problem that can be solved with ease with some natural remedies. What are you going to do when your dandruff is gone? Dark clothing will no longer cause you any embarrassment any more. Keep reading to find out about some natural remedies.

If you thing you are going to try a natural remedy for dandruff, you need to think with an open mind. Many natural remedies are available at present. You have many options. Lemon juice, white vinegar, cider vinegar, olive oil, and tea tree oil are just a few of the natural dandruff remedies available.

The lemon juice and vinegars can be put in a spray bottle an sprayed on. Or you can put them in a bowl and sponge them over your scalp. Some people use them as a final rinse after washing their hair. Try one of these a few times a week to see if it helps. You might be surprised at the results.

The oils should be massaged into the scalp. You can also mix oils with shampoo for an invigorating experience. Some people try other things from their house like milk, jelly, eggs, etc.

If handled with care, dandruff can be cured with ease. Dandruff is not really a big problem. But, it is a common problem with your scalp. Using the proper dandruff remedy, you can rid yourself of this stubborn dandruff problem. Then you can wear your best black outfits again without embarrassment.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Staying Strong After And Through Menopause

Staying Strong After And Through Menopause

Menopause is a time of great change for women. It is a transition that can impact our physical and emotional function, sometimes bringing great challenges. It is also a transition that brings a wealth of wisdom and fulfillment if we take the time to listen within. With some attention to self care and nurturing, this can be a highly rewarding time of life.

Some tips for staying strong through and after menopause:

Spiritual: 1) Take time to stop and meditate at least 5 minutes twice a day for relief from mind chatter and an opportunity to listen within. 2) Acknowledge 5 things you are grateful for each day. This will attract more gratifying things into your life.

Physical: 3) Include exercise in your day, especially an activity like yoga, tai chi or stretching for developing and maintaining strength and flexibility throughout life. 4) Be sure to take vitamin supplements, with special attention to Calcium with D and Magnesium to maintain strong bones.

Mind/Emotions: 5) Connect with healthy support for you: friends, family, a support group, health practitioner and counseling. 6) Educate yourself about the changes you are experiencing through books, seminars, discussions with your health care provider, so you can be proactive about your health.

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Robin Hood

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Patung Robin Hood di Nottingham

Robin Hood adalah tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Inggris. Ia adalah seorang bangsawan yang menjadi musuh Sheriff of Nottingham atau Prince John, melawan pejabat yang korupsi untuk kepentingan rakyat. Ia memimpin 140 orang yang disebut "Merry Men".

Kamis, 05 November 2009


Air terjun Niagara
Air terjun Horseshoe (Kanada) yang merupakan satu dari tiga air terjun Niagara.
Lokasi Air terjun Niagara (Ontario & New York)
Koordinat 43°04′48″N 79°04′16″W / 43.080°N 79.071°W / 43.080; -79.071 (Niagara Falls)Koordinat: 43°04′48″N 79°04′16″W / 43.080°N 79.071°W / 43.080; -79.071 (Niagara Falls)
Tinggi 51 m
Jumlah terjunan Air terjun Horseshoe, Air terjun America
Air terjun Bridal Veil
Kecepatan aliran rata-rata 202,000 cu ft/s (5,720 m³/s)
Sungai Sungai Niagara

Niagara adalah air terjun besar di sungai Niagara yang berada di garis perbatasan internasional antara negara bagian Amerika Serikat New York dengan provinsi Kanada Ontario. Air terjun ini berjarak sekitar 17 mil (27 km) sebelah utara barat laut dari Buffalo, New York dan 75 mil (120 km) tenggara Toronto, Ontario.

Niagara adalah nama kelompok dari tiga. Ketiga air terjun tersebut adalah air terjun Horseshoe (terkadang disebut sebagai air terjun Kanada), air terjun Amerika, dan yang lebih kecil yakni air terjun Bridal Veil yang dipisahkn oleh sebuah pulau Luna Island dari air terjun utama.

Meski tidak terlalu tinggi, Niagara merupakan air terjun yang sangat lebar dan terpopuler di dunia. Lebih dari 6 juta kaki kubik (168.000 m3) air per menit dijatuhkan dan ini merupakan air terjun yang paling kuat di Amerika Utara.


BMW Aktiengesellschaft|AG (singkatan untuk Bayerische Motoren Werke, atau dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bavarian Motor Works), adalah sebuah perusahaan di Jerman yang memproduksi mobil dan sepeda motor. BMW adalah perusahaan induk dari merk mobil Mini dan Rolls-Royce, dan, dulunya Rover. BMW adalah salah satu perusahaan mobil pertama yang menggunakan teknologi ABS.

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

barack obama

Barack Obama
Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Obama II

Sedang Menjabat
Mulai menjabat
20 Januari 2009
Wakil Presiden Joe Biden
Pendahulu George Walker Bush

Masa jabatan
4 Januari 200520 Januari 2009
Pendahulu Peter Fitzgerald

Lahir 4 Agustus 1961 (umur 48)
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kebangsaan Amerika Serikat
Partai politik Demokrat
Suami/Istri Michelle Obama
Anak Malia Ann, Natasha
Almamater Universitas Harvard, 1992
Agama Kristen Protestan
Tanda tangan Barack Obama's signature
Situs resmi

Barack Hussein Obama II (ejaan Inggris: [bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə]; lahir di Honolulu, Hawaii, 4 Agustus 1961; umur 48 tahun) adalah Presiden Amerika Serikat yang sekarang menjabat dan merupakan Presiden Amerika Serikat yang ke-44. Barack menjabat sejak 20 Januari 2009 menggantikan George Walker Bush. Sebelumnya ia merupakan Senator Junior dari Illinois dan kemudian menang dalam Pemilu Presiden 2008 pada 4 November 2008. Pada tahun 2009, Obama diumumkan sebagai pemenang anugerah Penghargaan Perdamaian Nobel karena mempromosikan diplomasi internasional untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah internasional.

Obama adalah keturunan Afrika-Amerika pertama yang menjabat Presiden Amerika Serikat setelah sebelumnya merupakan keturunan Afrika-Amerika pertama yang dicalonkan oleh sebuah partai politik besar Amerika untuk menjadi presiden.[1] Lulusan Universitas Columbia dan Sekolah Hukum Universitas Harvard; di sana ia menjabat sebagai presiden Harvard Law Review, Obama bekerja sebagai koordinator masyarakat dan menjabat sebagai pengacara hak sipil sebelum menjadi Senat Illinois selama tiga kali mulai 1997 hingga 2004. Ia mengajar hukum konstitusional di Sekolah Hukum Universitas Chicago sejak 1992 hingga 2004. Setelah kegagalan meraih kursi di Dewan Perwakilan AS tahun 2000, ia mengumumkan kampanyenya untuk Senat AS bulan Januari 2003. Setelah kemenangan Maret 2004, Obama menyampaikan key notenya pada Konvensi Nasional Demokrat Juli 2004. Ia terpilih sebagai Senat pada November 2004 dengan 70 persen suara.

Sebagai anggota minoritas Demokrat di Kongres ke-109, ia membantu membuat undang-undang yang mengatur senjata konvensional dan mempromosikan akuntabilitas publik dalam penggunaan dana federal. Ia juga melakukan perjalanan resmi ke Eropa Timur, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika. Selama Kongres ke-110, ia membantu membuat UU mengenai lobi dan kecurangan pemilihan, perubahan iklim, terorisme nuklir, dan perawatan bagi personil militer AS yang pulang. Obama mengumumkan kampanye presidennya pada Februari 2007, dan dicalonkan pada Konvensi Nasional Demokrat 2008 dengan senator Delaware, Joe Biden sebagai pasangan kampanye. Dan Pada tanggal 4 November 2008 Barack Obama sukses mengalahkan rivalnya senator John Mccain dari partai republik dan menjadi presiden amerika ke 44 dan orang kulit hitam pertama sebagai presiden Amerika serikat.

Daftar isi


[sunting] Kehidupan awal dan karir

Barack Obama lahir di Honolulu, Hawaii, dari pasangan Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., seorang Kenya dari Nyang’oma Kogelo, Distrik Siaya, Kenya, dan Ann Dunham, seorang Amerika Serikat dari Wichita, Kansas.[2] Orangtuanya bertemu ketika bersekolah di Universitas Hawaii, tempat ayahnya belajar dengan status sebagai murid asing.[3] Keduanya berpisah ketika Obama berusia dua tahun dan akhirnya bercerai..[4] Ayah Obama kembali ke Kenya dan melihat anaknya untuk terakhir kalinya sebelum meninggal dalam sebuah kecelakaan lalu lintas tahun 1982.[5]Setelah bercerai, Dunham menikahi Lolo Soetoro, dan keluarganya pindah ke Jakarta, Indonesia tahun 1967. Obama kemudian bersekolah di SD Santo Fransiskus Asisi di Tebet selama tiga tahun, lalu pindah ke SD Negeri Menteng 1 (atau SD Besuki) di Menteng hingga ia berusia 10 tahun. Obama diketahui masih dapat memahami dan berbicara bahasa Indonesia secara sederhana.[6][7][8]

Ia kembali ke Honolulu untuk tinggal bersama kakek dan neneknya dan belajar di Sekolah Punahou sejak kelas lima tahun 1971 hingga lulus SMA pada 1979.[9] Ibu Obama kembali ke Hawaii tahun 1972 selama beberapa tahun dan kemudian ke Indonesia untuk menyelesaikan kerja lapangan untuk disertasi doktoral. Ia meninggal karena kanker rahim tahun 1995.[10]Sebagai seorang dewasa, Obama mengakui bahwa ketika SMA ia menggunakan mariyuana, kokain, dan alkohol, yang ia jelaskan pada Forum Sipil Presiden 2008 sebagai kesalahan moralnya yang terbesar.[11]Setelah SMA, Obama pindah ke Los Angeles lalu ia belajar di Perguruan Tinggi Occidental selama dua tahun.[12] Ia kemudian dipindahkan ke Universitas Columbia di New York City, dan kemudian ia lulus dalam bidang pengetahuan politik dengan kelebihan pada hubungan internasional.[13] Obama lulus dengan B.A. dari Columbia tahun 1983, kemudian bekerja selama setahun di Business International Corporation[14] dan kemudian di New York Public Interest Research Group.[15]

Barack Obama dibesarkan oleh ibunya, Ann Dunham.

Setelah empat tahun di New York City, Obama pindah ke Chicago, lalu ia menjabat sebagai direktur Developing Communities Project (DCP), sebuah perkumpulan masyarakat berbasis gereja yang sebenarnya terdiri dari delapan paroki Katolik di South Side, Chicago, dan bekerja di sana selama tiga tahun mulai Juni 1985 hingga Mei 1988.[15][16] Selama menjabat sebagai direktur DCP, stafnya bertambah dari satu menjadi tiga belas pendapatan per tahunnya meningkat dari $70.000 menjadi $400.000, dengan keberhasilan meliputi membantu membuat program pelatihan kerja, program pelatihan persiapan perguruan tinggi, dan organisasi hak penjual di Altgeld Gardens, Chicago.[17] Obama juga bekerja sebagai konsultan dan instruktur untuk Gamaliel Foundation, sebuah institut perkumpulan masyarakat.[18] Di pertengahan 1988, ia untuk pertama kalinya mengunjungi Eropa selama tiga minggu dan lima minggu di Kenya, dan ia banyak bertemu saudara Kenya-nya untuk pertama kalinya.[19]Obama masuk Sekolah Hukum Universitas Harvard pada 1988. Pada akhir tahun pertamanya, ia dipilih, menurut kelasnya dan kompetisi menulis, sebagai editor Harvard Law Review.[20] Bulan Februari 1990, di tahun keduanya, ia terpilih menjadi presiden Law Review, sebuah posisi sukarela penuh waktu yang berguna sebagai pimpinan editor dan pemantau 80 editor Law Review.[21] Pemilihan Obama sebagai presiden Law Review berkulit hitam pertama diketahui secara luas dan diikuti oleh beberapa profil yang panjang.[21] Pada musim panas, ia kembali ke Chicago untuk bekerja sebagai associate musim panas di firma hukum Sidley & Austin tahun 1989 dan Hopkins & Sutter tahun 1990.[22] Setelah lulus dengan magna cum laude Juris Doctor (J.D.)[23] dari Harvard tahun 1991, ia kembali ke Chicago.[20]Publisitas dari pemilihannya sebagai presiden Harvard Law Review berkulit hitam pertama membawanya pada kontrak penerbitan dan pembuatan buku mengenai hubungan ras.[24] Dalam usaha untuk merekrutnya ke fakultas mereka, Sekolah Hukum Universitas Chicago menyediakan Obama beasiswa dan kantor untuk membuat bukunya.[24] Ia awalnya berencana menyelesaikan buku tersebut dalam satu tahun, tapi ternyata membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama setelah buku ini berubah menjadi memoir pribadi. Untuk bekerja tanpa gangguan, Obama dan istrinya, Michelle, berlibur ke Bali dan ia menulis bukunya selama beberapa bulan. Manuskrip tersebut akhirnya diterbitkan pada pertengahan 1995 dengan judul Dreams from My Father.[24]Obama memimpin Project Vote Illinois mulai April hingga Oktober 1992, dengan registrasi pemilih dnegan sepuluh staf dan tujuh ratus sukarelawan; tujuannya berhasil dengan mendaftarkan 150.000 dari 400.000 orang Afrika-Amerika di negara bagian itu, sehingaga Crain's Chicago Business menempatkan Obama dalam daftar "40 under Forty" tahun 1993.[25]

Kanan ke kiri: Barack Obama dan Maya Soetoro dengan ibunya Ann Dunham dan kakeknya Stanley Dunham di Hawaii (awal 1970-an).

Berawal tahun 1992, Obama mengajarkan hukum konstitusional di Sekolah Hukum Universitas Chicago selama dua belas tahun, menjadi yang pertama dikelompokkan sebagai Penceramah sejak 1992 hingga 1996, dan kemudian sebagai Penceramah Senior sejak 1996 hingga 2004.[26]Ia juga, tahun 1993, bergabung dengan Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, sebuah firma hukum dengan dua belas pengacara yang berpengalaman dalam litigasi hak-hak sipil dan pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat, dan ia adalah seorang associate selama tiga tahun sejak 1993 hingga 1996, kemudian of counsel mulai 1996 hingga 2004, dengan lisensi hukumnya berakhir tahun 2002.[15][27]Obama adalah anggota pendiri dewan direktur Public Allies tahun 1992, mengundurkan diri sebelum istrinya, Michelle, menjadi direktor eksekutif pendiri Public Allies Chicago di awal 1993.[15][28] Ia menjabat dari 1993 hingga 3008 pada dewan direktur Woods Fund of Chicago, yang pada 1985 telah menjadi yayasan pertama yang mendanai Developing Communities Project, dan juga sejak 1994 hingga 2002 pada dewan direktur The Joyce Foundation.[15] Obama bekerja pada dewan direktur Chicago Annenberg Challenge pada 1995-2002, sebagai presiden pendiri dan pimpinan dewan direktur sejak 1995-1999.[15] Ia juga bekerja pada dewan direktur Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Center for Neighborhood Technology, dan Lugenia Burns Hope Center.[15]

[sunting] Legislator negara bagian 1997-2004